Local 1-2 Brothers and Sisters, please take time today in your daily activities to remember it is Veterans Day. This is the day we honor all who served in our nation’s military branches, living and dead, to give thanks for their service and their sacrifice.

It was not always observed as Veterans Day. It was first observed by the men and women who emerged from the ghastly horror of World War I.

It was World War I Veterans who asked our Country to observe “Armistice Day.” It was on this day in 1918 where the armistice was declared in World War I to begin on the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.”

From this grim end, Armistice Day has been enlarged to include all Veterans who have sworn oaths to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Many of our Brothers and Sisters in Local 1-2, and across all of UWUA, have taken these very oaths and live under them today. They joined the military to benefit our Country and we can say each and everyone emerged with skills that only add value to being a Local 1-2 Member.

Let us never forget, those who have died, and those who live and work alongside us for their service to our Nation. Please give thanks.

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