
Christmas Gifts for Rosary Hill 63rd Anniversary

Rosary Hill

For 2024, we’d like to outline what ROSARY HILL is about as a reminder to our old friends and an introduction to our new ones. They do not accept payment from the patients or their families, but instead are supported solely by the expression of God’s love through the gifts of individuals. See one of the individuals below to make a donation that will surely make you feel good this Holiday Season.

Please make your checks payable to ROSARY HILL
(PLEASE NOTES ON CHECKS: “Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer” to submit for Company match contributions)

Briarcliff & Greenburgh:Neal Sullivan, Bob Cantalupo, Charles Mulligam
Buchanan :Chris Katzmann
Eastview:Scott Adrian, Frank Carigliano, Steve Bowe
Rye/511:Marion Clark, Rosemary Donohue, Michelle Griffin, Karen Tubman, Maria Corea-Gray,
Jane Solnick
Rye Service Center:Jerry Vitale
Van Nest:Adams Sepulveda, Jason Greenblatt, John Ryan, Dwayne Ingram, Chris Buono
Astoria/Bldg 82/CFS:Scott Koehler, Anthony “The Pic” Salomon, James Guccuione, Tom Cordano
College Point:Willie Connolly
High Line:Eric Dechent
Yonkers:Michael Hall, Derrick Candelaria, Kevin Donaghey
Substation Oper:Joe Alexander
Trouble Shooters #9:Chris Avitable
Brooklyn/3rd Ave:Angelo Minetti, Angelo Romano
Retirees:Anita Smith, Margie Lauro, Bob Lauro. John Marucci, Rich Roth,
Jim Broughton, Paul Giarraputo, Rich Smith, Art Melagrano, Chris Solomou
Union Office:Jim Shillitto, William Smith, Frank Dominguez, Rob Griffin
Benefactors:B.J. Harrington, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Jack Quealy
National Union:Jim Slevin, National President

Please submit your donation by Thursday, December 19, 2024.

We will meet between 8:00am and 10:30am on Friday, December 20, 2024 at the Union Office, 5 West Cross St, Hawthorne (next to the Post Office, 2nd Floor).


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